When I look back on my life, I rather remember the hands I held and cherished… not the gifts that filled up my home.
When I look back on my life, I rather remember the laughter I sparked… not the amount of money I put in the bank.
When I look back on my life, I rather remember the remarkable discoveries I made… not the number of books that sat on my shelves.
It is tempting to think that gifts represent love, that money means security, or belongings prove worthiness… but this does not have to be – and is not automatically – the case.
You can live a life full of love and purpose without focusing on the stuff. Gifts can be regifted as the occasion arises… money can be used to create memories… books can be read and passed on. Owning and holding on to any of these things is not “better.” In fact, keeping something for the sake of not wanting to let go can make you feel worse.
Living clutter free doesn’t mean you have to own nothing, but it might mean you shape your life with more intention.
So that stuff holds less priority than living. And being free is more important than being full.
Do you currently live a life where moments are more important than things? Why or why not?
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