My house was constantly a mess.
Piles of papers, books, art supplies, lists of things to do that never got done.
Toys jammed into boxes, baskets, and under bed storage bins.
Dishes overflowing, in the sink and in the cabinets.
Too many towels. Too many sheets. Too many shoes. Too many jackets.
I felt like half my time was spent organising… sorting… cleaning… tidying.
Throughout the busy-ness, an idea kept screaming at me from the back of my mind:
When your kids grow up, they won’t remember if you had a clean house. But they will remember how they felt when they were with you.
When I was honest with myself, I didn’t have a clean house and I wasn’t making my kids feel great either.
I was stressed. I was tired. I was short tempered. And I was distracted.
My mind was on the “to do” list when I was spending time with my family, and when I was getting the jobs done to make the house tidy I was feeling guilty about missing out on quality time with my kids.
Eventually I admitted to myself that the stuff just wasn’t worth it. I loved my kids more than that.
So I decided to make a change, and little by little, I started to declutter my life.
It has been a few years now.
I had a few set-backs… mainly birthdays, sales, or wanting to simply add to our “comfort”.
But I have since learned some valuable lessons in the art of homemaking and have learned that stuff is not the answer. It goes so much deeper than that.
In January 2016 we left on a year-long trip around Australia, with only our car and a camper trailer of stuff to live on. Since then we have truly started to appreciate the benefits of clutter free living and I can’t wait to share some of them with you.
On this website, I will be sharing some of our family’s journey, favourite resources, and tips for living a clutter free life. Would you like to join us?
You can sign up to receive articles and news here. To dive in feet first, check out this page with ideas to get started on your own clutter free journey.
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